Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Will It be Possible to Live Forever?

Everyone wants to have long life, but some of them are finding the way to live forever. Each of them has their own reason why are they wanted to live forever. But God have another plan for God’s creature. God cannot let the creature live forever because it will harm the earth. For example, many people logging without care about nature continuation. Many species extinct in connection with human’s wild activities.  Even though many scientists attempt so hard for creating the recipe of immortal God cannot let human live forever because some reasons.

Sometimes human consume unhealthy food and harm what God have give to them, like their digestive system or their brain. People consume junk food and ignore their bad effect. Unhealthy food or even dangerous dish decrease human’s body performance they may cause clogging fat and many more. Clogging fat will clog human’s heart activities and that may reduce the human’s age.

Human can easily damage the earth because what they did. Some of humans have gone wild and never think how their world will end. Illegal logging and contaminated river are insane humans have did. They are selfish and arrogant but another side of human started to realize that their loved earth is not an immortal thing.  And try to recover earth with many ways. If God let these happen there will be many creatures harmed. That is why God will not let human gets what we call with immortality, God the only one who can.
Muhammad Kahfi Ramadhan XB/24

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